Thursday, March 10, 2011

From the Ancient: Alon-alon Waton Klakon

I think everyone has ever heard this term; alon-alon waton klakon (slow but sure). This term is not only popular in Javanese people (Indonesia), but also in abroad. Unfortunately, many people (even in Java) don’t understand about the real message beneath that term. People think that this is a concept to be a lazy man, because when we talk about Javanese people, they are not rich, simple, and slow. It may the factor that makes people think that this concept is an instrument to make people lazy.
Actually, people are misunderstanding about this term. The concept is not about “finally”, but it is about the “process” how we can reach what we need. Process is important, because through a process we know how people gain their needs, are they cheating, or are they learn more than usual. Patience, continuous, learn; is the important thing that hidden beneath the word process.
We cannot define this term just by read, like read a sentence in a short story, or novel, but it needs spiritual aspect, and it needs more time, and to get what the real message, we need experience, because ancient Javanese are smart, and they are life-oriented. They keep the relationship as human, inter-human, human and nature, and human and the God.


  1. " slow but sure "
    it's not refers to lazy, cause alon alon waton kelakon its mean we should to think well done before do something. so that at the end do action we do not to regret and do not make mistaken

  2. ..Javanese philosophy, it's about how people take the values of the processes..
    ..good article..

  3. Mas yang rajin nulisnya. Saya pantau terus kok. Saya juga wong jowo. nboleh ambil artikelnya to ? nuwun



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